Grand Mufti says getting Covid-19 vaccine would not break the fast

Grand Mufti says getting Covid-19 vaccine would not break the fast

Dr. Mohammed Eyada Alkobaisi, Grand Mufti in the Fatwa Department at the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, said that all scholars have agreed that intramuscular and intravenous needles do not break fast, as long as they are non-nutritious in composition. IACAD’s official said on Thursday that it is safe and permissible to take the Covid vaccine while fasting during Ramadan. Therefore, taking a vaccine against Covid-19 is permitted during the Holy Month of Ramadan and would not impact the fast of any Muslim.


Dr. Alkobaisi said, “The Fatwa Department at the Islamic Affairs in Dubai issued an official fatwa regarding the Covid-19 vaccine while fasting. It stated that it is permissible for the fasting person to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and it does not affect the validity of his fast. Because it is administered through the muscle of the hand from where it spreads into the body, and it does not reach the stomach from the mouth. Therefore, it is like all non-nutritious intramuscular and intravenous needles that the fasting person is permitted to take, (and this ruling is) without significant disagreement among scholars.”


He added that if post-vaccination an individual experiences side effects and needs to take medicine or break the fast, it is allowed and the day can be made up by fasting for another day.

UAE doctors have reassured residents, who are fasting during the Holy Month, that it is absolutely safe to get vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine during the period. In fact, they have encouraged people to fast, as it can boost immunity by fasting for few hours.


Dr. Sanjay Khator, a specialist pulmonologist at Zulekha Hospital in Dubai, said that no studies indicate that fasting can increase Covid risk. On the contrary, fasting for a limited number of hours, like up to 12-15 hours during Ramadan is good for the immune system. “Fasting can regenerate your entire immune system as it gives rest to your cells so they can regenerate. In fact, fasting is beneficial for people suffering from damaged immune systems, such as cancer patients on chemotherapy. It can also help the elderly, whose immune systems weaken with age, by giving a boost to their system and helping them fight off even common diseases,” he said.


He noted that after fast one must consume nutritious food and hydrate. “Fasting is a simple way of giving rest to your stomach and digestive system, thereby giving the cells time to rest, regenerate and work better,” he said.

“I would advise residents who will be observing Ramadan fasts to take the vaccine either after iftar or after suhoor so that the stomach is not completely empty,” he added.


Dr. Hammad Khan, the emergency physician at Prime Hospital, said, “Vaccine has no relation to food intake. However, having a moderate meal and water intake prior to the vaccine is always better. For those who are fasting, make sure to drink plenty fluids during suhoor (early morning meal).”


He added, “Ideally, the fasting individual might be hypoglycemic at the end of the day; hence, it would be best to get the vaccine at the beginning of the day. The vaccine provides immunity. It is not a supplement to reduce thirst or hunger and has been approved by religious scholars.”

Dr. Khan further noted, “Fasting reduces cholesterol, obesity, and risk of heart disease. These can be deadly if combined with Covid-19. Fasting also increases the rate of excretion of toxins out of the body which improves health.”

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