COVID-19: 85% UAE companies saw rise in productivity due to hybrid work

COVID-19: 85% UAE companies saw rise in productivity due to hybrid work

A majority of UAE employers have expressed concerns over losing new and existing employees if they don't figure out hybrid work options as soon as possible.

Poly Research recently released its report examining the response of organisations to employees’ demand for ideal workspaces.

The Poly study 'Recruit, Retain and Grow' noted that 85 percent of those surveyed confirmed an increase productivity when work was shifted to hybrid model. It analysed work policies, culture, and wellness through the participation of more than 2,500 global business decision-makers.

The research further highlighted post-pandemic attitudes and expectations of workers visiting the office three days per week.

Speaking about the matter, Deepa Sud, CEO of Dubai based consultancy Plum Jobs, said that hybrid working model is become more permanent in many organizations. As a result, companies are adapting their management styles, including leading teams, managing performance and productivity, and developing people in accordance with hybrid working.

"Companies are investing in technology to allow their employees to stay productive and deliver the outputs required. We are seeing a shift in salaries for many hybrid roles – organizations are beginning to slow down salary increments for employees who are working from home as their commuting costs lower,” Sud added.

The survey noted that 23 percent UAE-based organisations need their employees to work from office at least three days a week.

John Goodwin, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at Poly, underlined that the company is working on allowing hybrid working environment as a starting point for competitive organizations today.

"Our latest research validates Poly's point of view. We found that employees are supportive of companies that take a holistic approach to defining their culture, offer flexibility in where and how they work, and are provided with the right tools to succeed," Goodwin added.

The COVID-19 pandemic and work from home model also resulted in the acceleration of digitization for many organizations.

Aws Ismail, Director at Marc Ellis, said technological advancement enhanced flexibility among employees about where and when they do their work. After working with clients from various local entities and international companies, Ismail understood the need of physical presence of employees in the organisation. It also depends on the scope of work, industry and tasks assigned to employees.

“For example, on-site customer interactions, including front line workers who interact with customers, which can be in sales, retail, banks, and amongst other places which are conducted via interactions with people, would require on site presence. However, some computer-based office work including administrative, design or other roles which have a minimum need for interaction will not need to be on-site and can be done remotely,” Ismail added.

Furthermore, there is a need for people to be mindful of the acceleration of digitization as it enhanced automation as the future of many traditional jobs. It can potentially result in reducing the need of human workforce in various companies.

Pramod Sharda, CEO of IceWarp, Middle East and India, underlined that with organisations shifting to more remote work operations, employees will be required to collaborate digitally. Therefore, Sharda urged organisations to be prepared to adjust employee experience strategies.

Employees have also called for prioritizing health and well-being along with providing necessary tools to enable seamless collaboration.

"Systemic change is needed and not just personal: processes, policies and technology must be reviewed and amended to ensure that they are created with everyone’s success and seamless collaboration in mind," Sharda added.

 SOURCE: Khaleej Times


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