Abu Dhabi resumes Shisha services with COVID-19 safety rules

Abu Dhabi resumes Shisha services with COVID-19 safety rules

Amid the ongoing efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic crisis, Abu Dhabi authorities have announced new regulations. As per recent measures, the Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi has allowed licensed restaurants, cafes and tourist service facilities to offer shisha (hookah) services across the capital city. This development has come after months of suspension of the services due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

Abu Dhabi authorities have also specified a number of safety rules for licensed facilities in line with COVID-19 efforts. These safety measures must be followed by licensed facilities in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus

Here are the rules:

·        Facilities must use only single-use hookah equipment and pipes

·        Servers are not prohibited to sample hookah before providing them to customers

·        Smoking areas must be isolated

·        Facilities are required to increase the number of cleaning shifts in smoking areas to ensure that they are sanitised and hygienic for public use.

While Abu Dhabi allowed shisha services recently, Dubai has resumed shisha services in the emirate in July 2020.

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